Thursday, June 2, 2011

I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.

please go get a book or go online for repair info. Brakes are one of the most important things on your vehicle. If you don't do it right, you could kill somebody. Not a risk worth taking! Tread lightly...I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.There are only TWO bolts which hold the brake housing onto the will see those after jacking the car up and removing the wheel..make sure you bleed the fluid from the caliper before replacing the new will see a bleeder bolt on the housingI need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.CHAMP,IF YOU CANT FIND THE BOLTS ,DO EVERYONE ON THE ROAD A FAVOR AND TAKE IT TO A BRAKE SHOP AND MASTER THE MOMENT.I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.It will take either a large I think it may be a 1/4 inch allen wrench or possibly a torx wrench If the size isn't 1/4 it will be 5/16.I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.yep only 2 bolts but i have NEVER opened the bleeder screws during a brake job, it lets air into the lines for no reason. just take the cap off the brake fluid and after the new pads are on pump the pedal a few times until it becomes firm then check the fluid level.I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.NEVER open the bleeder valve unless you plan to bleed the brakes. Not a job for a single person unless you purchase some specialized tooling.I need to change my front brakes on my 2001 malibu chevy but I need to know how to take off the caliper bolts.Note from my past experience: These bolts can be very prone to stripping-heads.

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