Thursday, June 2, 2011

1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?

how hard is it to change the front brakes on a 97 cavalier? can someone tell me how to do it? thanks1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?jeesh, just when I thought everything was ok.

No, do NOT open the bleeders when pushing the calipers back. You have like good answers here that tell you step by step how to do this. Not one of them say to open the bleeder.

The brake fluid is a closed system, there is no dirt in it. and the caliphers have boots that sit in a ring around the pistons. No way can dirt get into the system. I would stand by and keep my shut on this one. but seeings as you have not done something like this before, the last thing you need is to do something completely uncalled for because some moron is trying to be something he is not by giving you bad advice!

If you open the bleeders, that opens a whole nother process and you will then have to bleed the brakes. Follow the others instructions here and do NOT open those bleeders.

You do see the others saying %26quot;pump the brake pedal when done reinstalling everything.%26quot; Thats because the calipers will be fully retracted and you need to pump them to get the pistons back out and tight against the wheel. Otherwise, you start up and drive off and hit the brake for the first time and its good night Irene cause there wont be any brakes!!!1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?Cake. Jack the car up. Pop off a front wheel. Undo the caliper hardware to the pads. Take out the old ones. Compress the brake cylinder with a c-clamp. Pop in the new pads. Reassemble the hardware. Put back the wheel. Repeat on the other side.1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?I haven't hit that particular model but most GM calipers are bolted on as are most newer Fords. Some of the older ones were held with a wedge but haven't seen that in a while. Some you just have to look a bit closer and have the right size %26quot;Torx%26quot; driver to fit the bolt.1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?Like Mustang said , and I do believe it's a torx or T25 size I have used a hex wrench away from the shop1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?After ching the tye pads you will need to pump brake peddle up untill you have a hard peddle1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?Jack.

Jack stands.

Lug wrench.

Torx bit set or Allen. I'm not sure which.

C clamp.

3/8%26quot; ratchet.

Repair manual. $201997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?good info so for,your cavalier takes a 3/8th Allen wrench to take the caliper off, once you have the bolts out you will have to use a screw driver to pry the caliper together just a little so it will come off.. once you compress the caliper back together install the new pads and put it all back together.. after you have finished both sides and have the car back on the ground, BE SURE TO PUMP THE BREAKS BE FOR YOU DRIVE IT, PLEASE. don't want to see anyone getting hurt.. oh, make sure you chalk the wheels and use jack stands or at least some kind of block to keep the car from falling on you.. been there, done that, not fun!!!1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?Nobody has mentioned to open the bleeder screws while compressing the piston back, if you dont you risk pushing all that dirt back into the abs system and master cylinder, which could cost thousands. Also when the bolts are out, and they are 3/8%26quot; (Cavaliers never used torex) lubricate the rubber where the bolts go through with ceramlube so the caliper can slide properly. After you are done, take the master cylinder cap off, open the bleeders one at a time and let it gravity bleed for a second, then torque the wheel to 80 lbs. Also, make sure you have the rotors resurfaced unless you want it to squeak and or pulsate and DONT use Autozone pads.1997 Chevy Cavalier changing brakes...?here is how its done Cyndy, if you have never done anything like this before it looks confusing, good luck, any questions just ask…

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